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Acupuncture is a system of Chinese medicine that has been practised by the Chinese for over 2 thousand years.  The underlying principles of this system recognises that a vital force of energy, or "Qi" flows through channels within the body.  When this flow diminishes or becomes obstructed ill health and disease will result.  Symptoms that result are an indicator to the practitioner that the body has lost this ability to regulate and balance itself.

How does acupuncture work?

By inserting fine needles at specific points within the channels the flow of I can be stimulated or unblocked. This helps the body to restore the delicate balance of energy that is essential for a healthy life with regards to both the physical body and the emotional and mental state.

How does acupuncture work?

By inserting fine needles at specific points within the channels the flow of I can be stimulated or unblocked. This helps the body to restore the delicate balance of energy that is essential for a healthy life with regards to both the physical body and the emotional and mental state.

What happens during my treatment?

Diagnosis is also reached by taking the pulse on both wrists and looking at the general shape and color of the tongue. These two methods provide an important picture of the general state of health in the body and are necessary for an accurate diagnosis.

Acupuncture treatment is rarely described as painful, however, a sensation described by many people as a “dull ache” or “slight discomfort” is common. Acupuncture needles are finer than people’s general experience of needles that are used for blood tests and injections, and so painless on insertion. Sterile, disposable needles are used for each treatment.

How will i feel after my treatment?

After a treatment you may expect to feel more energized and relaxed. It may be the case for some people that they feel relaxed but drowsier. This varies with individual people and can vary from one treatment to the next. There may even be a temporary exacerbation of symptoms as the energy flow in the body readjusts itself. There are no side effects to treatment and it is considered safe by both Western and Eastern medical viewpoints.

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